The Big Idea XII: My Superpower is Art

The Big Idea XII: My Superpower Is Art
On View: June 25 - August 15
Bauhaus artist Paul Klee famously stated “ A line is a dot that went for a walk” which is an observation on how lines move the viewer's eyes through a composition. It also reminds us of the power artists have to use the principles of art and design to create images that move us through our senses. Art is a tool for developing skills that bring beauty to our world, it also offers a space where developing artists can explore concepts and express emotions. Perhaps most importantly art allows artistically inclined youths to find their voice and discover their power.
Latino Arts is proud to present the twelfth installment of The Big Idea exhibit and continue to celebrate young artists throughout Southeastern Wisconsin. Art is My Super Power highlights and celebrates our youth as they continue to develop their artistic skills and POWER!
Gallery Hours: Monday - Friday, 10:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.
*We kindly ask for a $1 donation per visitor